Other MEB PhD student activity: Guided tour of "SCB/Statistics Sweden" plus Art exhibition

31-08-2022 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Add to iCal
Other Örebro

All MEB PhD students are invited to participate in a visit to Örebro! Jonas Ludvigsson has organised a guided tour of Statistics Sweden and a guided tour outside in Örebro.

Please register now - MEB has kindly agreed to pay for the train journey. 

Travel times

Departure 10.14 from Stockholm. 

Returning either at 15.57 (in Stockholm 17.44) or at 16.57 (more time for coffee and to stroll around in Örebro).

Program in Örebro

Roughly: 12.15: Joint lunch at Elite Hotell Örebro (at Drottninggatan, near the castle; Each one pays for their own lunch and coffee)

13.20-14.20: Information and guided tour of Statistics Sweden/SCB.

14.30-15.30: Guided tour of Open Art (outside art exhibition) + outside visit of the castle

15.30 Coffee/Fika

16 or 17: return to Stockholm

Please fill out the doodle to register for the visit: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dLgzM5Ab. Deadline to sign up: Thursday evening
