Lectures and seminars HI Conversations - Send in the psychologists? A latent class analysis of support seeking behavior among healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic

19-05-2022 12:00 pm Add to iCal
Online Always on Zoom
Two persons talking

Welcome to participate in the Health Informatics Conversations together with Sophia Appelbom, PhD student at the Behavioral Informatics team, Health Informatics Centre, LIME.

Join the seminar

Use Zoom-link to join, no registration needed.

During Spring 2022 we will use the same Zoom-link for all of our HI Conversations.


Sophia Appelbom, PhD student at Behavioral Informatics team, Health Informatics Centre, LIME, KI


"Send in the psychologists? A latent class analysis of support seeking behavior among healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic."

The pandemic has highlighted the need for a rapid implementation of psychological support initiatives with an aim to reduce the risk of stress-related health problems among healthcare workers. However, little is known about what formats and contents of such initiatives that would be more feasible to implement in a long-lasting pandemic. This presentation will describe preliminary results from a study investigating long-term use of different types of support initiatives. Latent class analysis, a person-centered approach, was used to distinguish whether diverse psychological support initiatives can be clustered into types according to their prevalence and quality, and whether different groups of health care staff are more likely to engage in them. 

What are the Health Informatics Conversations?

HI Conversations - a seminar series about Health Informatics

The conversations are about research-oriented health informatics topics, i.e. – presenting a published article, your research area, a relevant theory or a method etc.  

The Health Informatics Conversations will be recurring the last Thursday (except for June and December) every month at 12.00 via Zoom and last for one hour. This hour includes 20 minutes of presentation and leaves the rest of the time for discussions, all in English.

If you are a PhD-student – this is a credit-bearing activity, as long as the topic is relevant for your research.